Tuesday, March 6, 2007


This week has been crazy, and it's only Tuesday! The days have been long and the sessions a little draining. There's a lot of information to take in. Fortunately, I have lots of friends to enjoy the time with. This past weekend a group of us went exploring through some of the woods. It was great to breathe in some fresh air and climb on some logs like a kid. Being outside reminds me of what a creative God I have and how awesome it is that I can experience the beauty of all He's made! Thinking about that helps me deal with a lot of the tough info I've gotten this week. There are mean people in the world who don't care about God or anybody else. But that's why I'm going overseas. So they can hear what a great God of love and peace He really is!

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Well, it is nice to see that you finally posted some fresh thoughts. I just have one thing to say:
"ohh here she comes, watch out Sharon it's Kim, she's gonna beat you up" Ok so that was lame, but it was my best rendition of Hall & Oates' Maneater I could come up with. Anyways, I expect to continue to see weekly posts here that are both witty and entertaining, otherwise, well let's just say you don't want to go down that road...