Wednesday, April 18, 2007

tico sunsets

This evening as I gazed on the unbelievable sunset here on this foreign shore I realized that I have been living here for a little over a week. There are many days that I feel like a kid in a toy store, in sheer amazement of all that's going on around me. Then, there are the days of feeling like the lost child in the store trying to get some one to help me, but no one speaks my language! As I have these feelings, God has continually taken me back to Psalm 23. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." O, the comfort of having a Shepherd to pick me up, place me on His shoulders and carry me during those moments of well share in the good times of fun, laughter...sunsets.


:Jason: said...

It's so beautiful...maybe oneday i'll get to post about living over seas...but not you and miss you like crazy...

The Minstrel said...

I know how you feel. But it's good to know that the Lord is there with us too...I'll take a pic of when I officially get the dreads.

Matthew said...

I understand what you are feeling now. It is also the same here for me as I wake up and realize that my home is about 14,000 miles away from my previous home! Talk to you later!!!!

david lee said...

hey Sharon,

This is David Lee. I stumbled unto your site by way of Matt Baker then Graham's site. Welcome to your new home! Exciting times...

From the other side of the world,

The Helgren Family said...

Hi precious friend
Know that I love you and am praying for you daily. I love the pictures and Zambia looks the same way this time of year! You are a sweet friend and I will talk with you soon!

Alys said...

Hey sister!
Pics are beautiful! Hope all is well, and I miss you uber-much!!!

Julia Ann said...

HEY Girl!! Miss you too. I love the pics. How beautiful and how blessed you are. Know that I am always here for you if need a word. Just drop me a line. I'm never too far.

Unknown said...

so im going to need some jason and sharon time pretty soon...