Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Almost There

So there's only one more week of orientation left, and then we're all off to the various corners of the world. It's surreal to think that I'm actually doing this...going to live in another country and share the unending love of Jesus! How mindboggling is that! It feels like this thing that I've only talked and prayed about for months on end, and now it's actually reality.
Despite how intimidated I am, I am even more in awe of the greatness of this task and opportunity. I can't even begin to describe how being around like-minded people for the past eight weeks has encouraged and challenged me. What an amazing God who puts the right people in our lives at the right time. I know that this part of my life will forever change the person I am. My prayer is that I will become more of the woman God would have me to be, and that this time would cause me to walk with Him and trust Him as I never have before. So that I would become a woman after God's own heart who will do all His will (Acts 13:22).

Friday, March 16, 2007

Our Constant

God completely blessed my heart during our personal retreat time yesterday. The weather was perfect, full of the sounds and smells of spring. His word is so rich and fresh each time I read it. As I sat taking it all in I was overwhelmed and moved to tears by the thought of how vast and uncontainable our God truly is. He is unchanging. His beauty beyond description. He is the same yesterday, today and forever! With Him there is no shadow or turning. Words cannot express what amazing joy and peace this promise brings my soul. How uncomprehendable that while so many things in our lives are unpredictable, inconsistant and out of our control, we have a Constant. One who will love us no matter who we are or where we go. Who will never leave us nor forsake us! What wonderous love is this O my soul? How sweet are the riches of His goodness!

"For I am convinced that niether death nor life...nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our LORD." Rom. 8:39

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Everything in life seems to be hindged on balance; finding that place of true humility. Where you understand your depravity and need for Christ yet know that you are His beloved child. My mind cannot comprehend a God who is Holy and loves me inspite of the sinful person I am. I am constantly humbled to think that God wants to use me, and in the same breath amazed by His overwhelming grace. My heart's desire is to be balanced, remembering where I've come from, yet confident in who I am!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


This week has been crazy, and it's only Tuesday! The days have been long and the sessions a little draining. There's a lot of information to take in. Fortunately, I have lots of friends to enjoy the time with. This past weekend a group of us went exploring through some of the woods. It was great to breathe in some fresh air and climb on some logs like a kid. Being outside reminds me of what a creative God I have and how awesome it is that I can experience the beauty of all He's made! Thinking about that helps me deal with a lot of the tough info I've gotten this week. There are mean people in the world who don't care about God or anybody else. But that's why I'm going overseas. So they can hear what a great God of love and peace He really is!