Wednesday, August 8, 2007

ya me voy

panamanian playa

sketchy border crossing bridge

bocas del toro isla (yes it translates mouths of the bull and I have no idea why)

proudly showing off the visa

Well, after two months and six visits to the Embassy I now have my Colombian visa and leave a week from Friday! Woo-hoo! It's hard to believe how quickly these four months have passed and that I'm going to be leaving soon. God has blessed in so many ways. My visa is just one of the many. I'm once again flooded with mixed emotions as I pack-up and leave a place that has just begun to feel like home. I'm trying to prepare my mind to face a world of newness and unknowns once again. I feel like a child at Christmas...I've waited so long to leave for Colombia and now that it's here I hardly know what to do with myself. Having the opportunity to come to Costa Rica, meet the people, learn the culture and see the sights has been a blessing too great for words.
I had the chance to visit Panama and renew my Costa Rican visa, and what a beautiful country! The whole border crossing was an adventure in and of itself, but thankfully we made it safely both ways. I don't know about inland, but the beaches of Panama are amazing. It's almost like a clip from a movie...unbelievably blue water, palm trees, white sand...absolutely gorgeous. I continue to be blown away by the beauty that our God has made and allows us to enjoy. What goodness!


Will You Forgive Me? said...

Great to hear about your visa! I know how some of those transitions can be tough but I'll be praying for a smooth transition for you. Way to be patient!

The Minstrel said...

Whoot whoot una vez para la visa. Ojala que tu traigas todo contigo que tu aprendiste en Costa Rica y recuerdas las cosas que dios hizo alli en tu vida...Ciao tia/che/ o cualquier palabra es coloquial para una persona en

Matthew said...

Yeah, you are finally about home! Father is great with visas and other small details like that. But, for all of us with visas overseas, it is always an adventure and a time of faith and patience in Him. Glad to hear though that you do get to go home finally! I will lift up this time as you begin life in your new home!

The Helgren Family said...

i miss you sharon!! i pray 4 you daily!!sorry communication has lacked we dont have internet readily!! i love you girl!!!